On her 34th birthday, actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu shared a double celebration with her fans by announcing her next venture Bangaram as a producer. With a bold and vibrant poster, Samantha revealed that the film will star Bharath, Prasanna, and Sasikumar. The actress also mesmerized her fans by sharing how she repurposed her wedding dress into a black cocktail dress for a photoshoot, which left many hearts racing. And in other entertainment news, Shah Rukh Khan posed with KKR Vice-Captain Nitesh Rana, causing a stir among netizens as two of their favorites came together. Meanwhile, Sonu Sood shared a screenshot with only 9483 unread messages in his WhatsApp inbox after it was retrieved, showing a glimpse into the overwhelming love and support he has received.
After gaining immense recognition for his humanitarian work during the Covid-19 pandemic, actor Sonu Sood faced a major hurdle when his WhatsApp account was blocked, preventing him from helping people in need. Sonu took to Instagram to express his frustration, but thankfully, his account was restored after 61 hours. The actor, who is known for his intense workouts, also shared an inspiring message and a video of himself with his pet dog.