On her 34th birthday, actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu shared a double celebration with her fans by announcing her next venture Bangaram as a producer. With a bold and vibrant poster, Samantha revealed that the film will star Bharath, Prasanna, and Sasikumar. The actress also mesmerized her fans by sharing how she repurposed her wedding dress into a black cocktail dress for a photoshoot, which left many hearts racing. And in other entertainment news, Shah Rukh Khan posed with KKR Vice-Captain Nitesh Rana, causing a stir among netizens as two of their favorites came together. Meanwhile, Sonu Sood shared a screenshot with only 9483 unread messages in his WhatsApp inbox after it was retrieved, showing a glimpse into the overwhelming love and support he has received.
Samantha Ruth Prabhu Celebrates Birthday with New Film Announcement and Sustainable Fashion
On her 34th birthday, acclaimed actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu unveiled two exciting surprises for her fans.
Film Venture Announcement
Samantha announced her entry into the production field with the upcoming Tamil film "Bangaram." The film will feature an ensemble cast including Bharath, Prasanna, and Sasikumar. The actress shared a striking poster showcasing the cast in bold and vibrant attire.
Sustainable Fashion Statement
In a nod to sustainability, Samantha repurposed her wedding dress into a stylish black cocktail dress for a photoshoot. She shared the transformation on social media, inspiring fans with her commitment to reducing waste.
Bollywood and Cricket Crossover
In other entertainment news, Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan shared a photo with KKR Vice-Captain Nitesh Rana. The picture sparked excitement among netizens as it reunited two of their beloved personalities.
Sonu Sood's Support and Influence
Actor and humanitarian Sonu Sood revealed a screenshot showing only 9483 unread messages in his WhatsApp inbox after it was restored. This glimpse into the overwhelming response to his philanthropic efforts highlights his immense popularity and influence.
Top 5 FAQs with Answers
1. What are Samantha Ruth Prabhu's upcoming projects? A: She is set to produce and star in the Tamil film "Bangaram."
2. What made Samantha Ruth Prabhu's birthday celebration unique? A: She repurposed her wedding dress into a sustainable black cocktail dress.
3. Who did Shah Rukh Khan pose with in his recent photo? A: KKR Vice-Captain Nitesh Rana.
4. How many unread messages did Sonu Sood have in his WhatsApp inbox? A: 9483.
5. What is Sonu Sood known for beyond acting? A: He is widely recognized for his philanthropic work, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The makers have released a new poster of the highly anticipated film Toxic, featuring Yash in a white blazer, hat, and cigar. With the tagline "His untamed presence is your existential crisis" and the date 8.1.2025, fans are eagerly speculating about the actor's look and role in the film. On the other hand, Kajal Aggarwal's first look as Parvati Devi in the upcoming pan-Indian film Kannappa has also been revealed. With the tagline "Mother who rules over the three worlds," the poster showcases the actress' ethereal beauty and the divine presence she brings to the epic tale of devotion and sacrifice. Fans are now eagerly waiting for the film's release in April 2025.
Comedian Samay Raina recently revealed that his relationship with Kusha Kapila has been affected after he joked about her divorce from Zorawar Ahluwalia. During a Reddit AMA session, Raina admitted that they rarely talk but he is still fond of her and hopes that they can eventually laugh about the incident. The controversy surrounding Raina's jokes on Kapila's divorce has sparked a debate on the boundaries of comedy.
Veteran actor Innocent, known for his comedic roles, shared his experience of battling cancer for the third time and how he deals with it with humor. He also revealed that his wife, who is also a cancer survivor, has tested positive for COVID-19 and is undergoing treatment. The actor and his family remain hopeful for her recovery.
In the upcoming episode of Bigg Boss 18, tensions rise as Shilpa Shirodkar is seen struggling to manage her relationships with housemates Vivian Dsena and Karanveer Mehra. After apologizing multiple times to Vivian who shows no signs of accepting it, Karanveer lashes out at Shilpa for her behavior. He questions her about why she felt the need to apologize and reminds her of their friendship. However, Shilpa justifies that she would have done the same for Karan had he been in Vivian's place. This leads to an emotional outburst from Shilpa and leaves viewers wondering what will happen next. Stay tuned for more updates on this gripping drama unfolding in Bigg Boss 18.
As the popular reality show Bigg Boss 18 nears its finale, former contestant Edin Rose shares her predictions for the top 5 contestants who could win the trophy. She names Rajat, Karan, Vivian, Chaahat, and Kashish as her top picks for the finale. Although Edin herself was eliminated in a double eviction a few weeks ago, she is rooting for her friend Rajat or Kashish to win the show. She also expresses her gratitude for the opportunity the show has provided her in terms of career growth.
Ajith Kumar, owner of racing team Ajith Kumar Racing, recently got into a scary accident while practicing for his upcoming Dubai 24H race. The video of the accident went viral on social media, causing concern among fans. However, his manager reassured everyone that the actor is fine and healthy. Along with his race career, Ajith also has multiple acting projects in the works, including 'Good Bad Ugly' and 'Vidaamuyarchi'.
The highly-anticipated teaser of 'Toxic: A Fairy Tale for Grown-Ups' starring KGF sensation Yash and directed by Geetu Mohandas is expected to release on January 8, the star's birthday. The powerful poster, which has set social media abuzz, hints at a gritty storyline that explores themes of power and morality. Fans can't wait to see Yash in his untamed avatar once again.
In the official trailer for Newtopia, Jisoo plays Young-joo, who must navigate a zombie outbreak in Seoul while also trying to reconcile with her ex-boyfriend Jae-yoon. As the couple fights their way through hordes of zombies, Young-joo's determination to be with Jae-yoon is put to the ultimate test. The highly-anticipated series arrives on Feb. 7 on Prime Video.
Former Bigg Boss 18 contestant Sara Arfeen Khan opened up about her regrets from the show in an interview with Bollywood Bubble. She apologized for bringing up actor Vivian Dsena's past relationship with Vahbbiz Dorabjee on the show, calling it a mistake and stating that she shouldn't have delved into anyone's personal life on national television. Khan also shared her disappointment at her scenes being cut from her latest film and discussed her experience as Hrithik Roshan's life coach.
After being spotted with a massive diamond ring on her finger at the Golden Globes awards, it has been confirmed that Tom Holland has proposed to Zendaya in a quiet and intimate setting. Despite being one of Hollywood's most low-key couples, the pair's engagement has sparked excitement and congratulations from fans and fellow celebrities. However, with both stars having busy schedules, it may be some time before they can start planning their wedding.