The Enforcement Directorate has warned against granting interim bail to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in a liquor policy case, stating that it would set a precedent for other unscrupulous politicians to avoid arrests and campaign for elections. The affidavit, filed in response to Justice Sanjiv Khanna's announcement that the court will decide on May 10, highlights the constant nature of elections in India and the need for equal treatment under the law. Granting interim bail to Kejriwal would create two separate classes of people in the country, further undermining the rule of law.
The Odisha police was recognized for its outstanding contribution to the field of cybercrime with the Award of Excellence at the Future Crime Summit in New Delhi. The campaign, spearheaded by Shefeen Ahmed, aimed to raise awareness and educate the public about cyber safety, reaching over 50,000 students and 1 lakh households in just 15 days. The campaign utilized various online and offline methods such as competitions and educational activities to spread its message.