Anuradha Tiwari, the CEO of a Bengaluru-based content writing agency, sparked a heated debate on social media with her post captioned "Brahmin genes." Defending her post, Anuradha argued that upper castes, referred to as UCs, do not benefit from the reservation system and should be able to proudly showcase their lineage. While some users supported her stance, others pointed out the insensitivity of her post and the absurdity of equating Brahmin genes with superiority. This post has reignited the ongoing discussion on casteism and reservation policies in India.
Anuradha Tiwari, founder and CEO of content writing company Just Burst Out, recently posted a picture on social media platform X, where she can be seen flexing her muscles. The caption "Brahmin Genes" has sparked a debate online, with some praising her for breaking stereotypes and others criticizing her for perpetuating casteism. The post has since gone viral, highlighting the complexity of identity and representation in the age of social media.