Former Indian cricketer Kapil Dev was questioned by reporters about the critical statements made by Yograj Singh, father of cricketer Yuvraj Singh, in a recent interview. Yograj had spoken openly about Kapil's leadership during the 1983 World Cup, claiming that it was not effective and that the team's success was due to the collective effort of the players. He also made shocking remarks about Kapil's treatment of younger players, including his own son. In response, Kapil maintained his characteristic cool and calm demeanor, asking the reporter for clarification before addressing the claims made by Yograj.
Yuvraj Singh, one of India's most beloved cricketers, continues to be celebrated for his legendary heroics during India's 2011 World Cup victory. Battling undiagnosed cancer throughout the tournament, he showed incredible resilience and contributed to India's success as they lifted the trophy. In a recent podcast, his father praised his son's passion and sacrifice, stating that he would still be proud if Yuvraj had died during the tournament as long as India won. Despite his incredible talents, his father believes Yuvraj didn't fully realize his potential. After his cancer diagnosis, Yuvraj continued to make a few appearances for India before officially retiring in 2019. Today, his contributions to Indian cricket are still celebrated across the nation.
Yograj Singh, former Indian cricketer and father of Yuvraj Singh, shared his thoughts on the Indian team's recent 3-1 loss to Australia in the Border-Gavaskar Trophy. He highlighted Virat Kohli's dismissals throughout the series and suggested that someone should have advised him not to play a certain shot. Singh emphasized the importance of man-management in addition to coaching for players representing their country. He also praised Gautam Gambhir's ability to lead the team but stressed the need for proper management to keep the younger players together.