Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu has accused the YSRCP government of neglecting and hindering the progress of the Polvaram project, which aims to bring irrigation and drinking water to the state. During his regime, Naidu claims to have completed 72% of the project, but under the current YSRCP government, only 4% of work has been done. He blames this delay for causing immense damage and pushing the project into a deep mess, causing more harm than the damages caused by the state's bifurcation.
The 2024 exit poll results for the Andhra Pradesh Assembly Elections predict a victory for Chandrababu Naidu-led NDA with over 160 seats. The polling for the state assembly was held on May 13, and the final results for both the state assembly and Lok Sabha Elections will be announced on June 4. The exit poll numbers, released after the last day of voting, are based on data collected by different agencies and give an idea of the expected winners and their victory margin. In Andhra Pradesh, the main contenders for the Assembly Elections include YSRCP, TDP, and Janasena, among others.