Rahul Gandhi, leader of the opposition in the Lok Sabha, has launched a new White T-shirt Movement to highlight the growing inequality in the country. He has accused the Modi government of neglecting the poor and the working class. The movement calls for the youth and working class to join and raise their voice for their rights and justice. The white t-shirt is a symbol of compassion, unity, non-violence, equality, and progress, and aims to bridge divides and build a cohesive, equitable nation.
Opposition leader Rahul Gandhi launched a new movement, 'White T-Shirt Movement' on Sunday, calling on people to raise their voices against the increasing inequality and poor treatment of workers in India. Criticizing the BJP-led government for neglecting the working class, Gandhi appealed to the youth to join the movement and demand justice and rights for all. This movement, according to Congress, marks the beginning of a powerful new platform for unity and fairness for workers across all sectors in the country.