K-pop boy band BTS member V, also known as Kim Tae-hyung, announced the passing of his dog Yeontan on social media, sharing heartfelt memories and photos of their time together. The post, which initially started with updates and well wishes for fans, quickly turned emotional as V revealed the tragic loss. Fans were moved by the tribute and offered their condolences to the grieving singer.
As the all-boy band BTS completes 11 legendary years since their debut in 2013, their agency Big Hit has arranged a grand FESTA 2024 to express gratitude towards their fans Army for their love over the years. With most members currently serving their military duty, Jin being the recent one to get discharged, the band still has a special meet and greet with fans planned. Among the individual letters shared by the members with fans, J Hope's mention of a popular K drama reference has sparked excitement among fans.