The Congress responded to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's accusation that the party's manifesto has the "Muslim League imprint." Congress spokesperson Supriya Shrinate said Modi is afraid of the BJP's diminishing numbers in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections and is resorting to a divisive political narrative. She further stated that the Congress manifesto is a comprehensive plan for the country's future, unlike the BJP's report card of failures. Shrinate condemned Modi's repeated use of a Hindu-Muslim narrative and reassured that the Congress manifesto is based on the principles of justice for all.
As the local body elections in Uttar Pradesh approach, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath appeals to the public to vote for BJP and ensure a "triple engine" government in the state. The party has been highlighting their efforts towards development in the state and hopes to continue their reign with this election. Meanwhile, Congress gears up to mark 100 days of their Bharat Jodo Yatra with a concert in Jaipur. Additionally, in a recent development, nine policemen have been suspended in UP after a suspect died in police custody.