Controversy rocks the Bigg Boss OTT 3 house as Vishal Pandey and Lovekesh get into a heated argument over their behavior towards contestants Shivani and Kritika. The drama unfolds as Andy slams the two for their actions and Nawazuddin Siddiqui signs his next project with Rautu Ka Raaz's director Anand Surapur. In another shocking turn of events, singer Armaan Malik speaks out against a contestant being mistaken for him by netizens and demands their eviction. Meanwhile, Munisha Khatwani's eviction looms as the first wild card contestant is set to enter the house. Don't miss the drama on JioCinema Premium's 24 hour live channel.
During an accidental social media post, Jio Cinema inadvertently revealed that Vishal Pandey would be evicted from Bigg Boss OTT 3 in the upcoming episode. This sparked anger and disappointment among fans, who deemed the decision unfair and biased. Even close friends and fellow contestants spoke out against the potential eviction, calling for the show to eliminate more deserving contestants instead. This controversy has led to speculation and backlash against the makers of the popular reality show.
In the most recent episode of Bigg Boss OTT 3, a controversial incident between housemates Armaan Malik and Vishal Pandey has caused a stir on social media. Malik slapped Pandey for complimenting his second wife, leading to a heated exchange. Now, with a viral video showing Vishal and another contestant making jokes about Malik's wife's gym clothes, tensions have escalated. While some housemates have criticized Vishal's behavior, others, including celebrity Gauahar Khan, have come out in support of him. The drama continues to unfold on this season of Bigg Boss OTT, which also marks the digital debut of Anil Kapoor as host.
Things got intense on the latest episode of 'Bigg Boss OTT 3' as contestant Armaan Malik slapped co-housemate Vishal Pandey in a dramatic turn of events. The altercation occurred during a surprise visit from Armaan's first wife, who confronted Vishal about his remarks regarding Armaan's second wife, also a contestant on the show. The situation escalated quickly, resulting in Armaan's physical assault on Vishal, raising questions about his future on the show due to the strict no-violence policy.