Vineet Nayyar, a renowned figure in the Indian Business landscape, passed away at the age of 85. A former Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer, Nayyar also worked with the World Bank and held several senior positions in the private sector. He played a significant role in Tech Mahindra's acquisition of Satyam and was appointed as the Vice Chairman of crisis-hit IL&FS in 2018. His demise has left a void in the business world, with many paying their respects to his leadership and wisdom.
The tech industry mourns the loss of Vineet Nayyar, former Vice-Chairman of Tech Mahindra, who passed away at the age of 85. Known for his crucial role in Tech Mahindra's growth and revival of Satyam Computer Services, Nayyar was a respected tech evangelist with over 40 years of experience in both private and public sectors. His contributions to the industry and his exemplary leadership will be remembered fondly.