The highly anticipated sequel to Vetrimaaran's hit film "Viduthalai Part 1" has hit theaters and is already breaking records. "Viduthalai Part 2" earned an impressive Rs 7 crore on its first day of release in India, with a strong occupancy rate in both Tamil and Telugu languages. Starring big names like Vijay Sethupathi and Manju Warrier, the film is expected to see even higher collections over the weekend. As the film's digital rights have already been acquired by ZEE5, expect to see the digital premiere in January of next year. With a reported budget of Rs 65 crore, director Vetrimaaran faced challenges during filming that led him to believe he couldn't complete the project - making the film's success even more impressive.
After much anticipation, Vetrimaaran's Viduthalai Part 2 has finally hit the big screens and has become the talk of the town. Packed with intense political drama and stellar performances by Vijay Sethupathi and Manju Warrier, the film has received high praise from FDFS viewers. Twitterati have taken to their social media pages to share their reactions and shower praise on the filmmaker and the talented cast. With a thrilling climax and brilliant storytelling, Viduthalai Part 2 is definitely worth the watch.
Director Vetrimaaran and actor Vijay Sethupathi are back with Viduthalai 2, the sequel to the critically acclaimed Viduthalai. The trailer of the film, which also introduces Manju Warrier, promises audiences an intense, violent and thought-provoking story of oppression and rebellion against the system, with strong performances from Sethupathi and Soori. However, the launch event in Chennai was not without controversy as the film's release date announcement coincided with news of the indictment of Chairman Gautam Adani and other Adani Group officials in a bribery scandal, potentially impacting the film's funding and credit.