The highly anticipated Thala Ajith starrer Vidaa Muyarchi has entered its final phase of shooting and is expected to release on Pongal in 2025. The makers have shared pictures of the lead pair, Ajith and Trisha, generating more excitement among fans. Directed by Magizh Thirumeni and featuring a star-studded cast, including Arjun and Regina Cassandra, the film's teaser has already received a positive response and the first single is set to release soon. Stay tuned for more updates on this highly awaited action entertainer.
Ajith and Trisha's highly anticipated action movie, Vidaa Muyarchi, is in its final phase of shooting and will hit theaters on January 10. The recently released teaser has already received a great response from fans. The film, directed by Magizh Thirumeni, also stars Arjun, Regina Cassandra, and Arav. With music by Anirudh Ravichander and bankrolled by Lyca Productions, this movie is set to be a major hit in the upcoming Pongal season.
Fans of Tamil actor Ajith have been eagerly anticipating the release of his two upcoming films, action thriller Vidaa Muyarchi and commercial entertainer Good Bad Ugly. However, with the film's production houses giving conflicting information about release dates, fans are left confused and frustrated. Despite hints from Tamil media, there is still no clarity on which movie will hit screens during the upcoming Pongal festival, leaving fans eagerly awaiting updates.