The much-awaited film Vanangaan, directed by Bala, is a classic display of his signature style of raw and intense action sequences. However, in this film, Bala seems to have gone a step too far as the gratuitous violence becomes disturbing and uncomfortable to watch, especially in scenes depicting sexual violence against women. Despite the strong performances by Arun Vijay and Ridha, the film fails to have the intended impact due to Bala's excessive portrayal of violence.
Versatile actor Vikram's highly anticipated film Veera Dheera Sooran, directed by SU Arun Kumar and starring Dushara Vijayan as the female lead, is rumored to miss its initial Pongal release slot. The makers are now aiming for a late January release, which could be beneficial for other Kollywood films such as Vidaa Muyarchi, Vanangaan, and Game Changer. An official announcement about the release is yet to be made, but fans eagerly await the gangster action drama with music by GV Prakash Kumar.