A four-year-old boy has died and several others have sustained kite-related injuries in Gujarat's Mahisagar district during the Uttarayan festival, also known as Makar Sankranti. The child was riding on his father's motorcycle when a kite string slashed his throat, causing him to bleed profusely and ultimately pass away before receiving treatment. Additionally, at least 66 people across the state have been injured by kite thread on Uttarayan.
OdishaTV covers the latest news from Odisha, including Congress leaders rejoining the party, allegations of the BJD disrupting college environments, and a woman's claim of her bank account being drained. The article also highlights a unique connection between the state and Lord Ram, and a notification from the Revenue and Disaster Management Department. Additionally, a survey showing a lack of knowledge about a district division among students and an incident involving fishermen releasing a dolphin into a village pond are also featured.