Bollywood stars Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal recently welcomed their first child, a baby girl, to the world. The couple shared a heartwarming post to announce their 'collaboration' and have since been showered with love and congratulatory messages. Recently, the new mom and her little one were visited by several fellow actresses, including Shabana Azmi, Dia Mirza, Tanvi Azmi, Urmila Matondkar, and Rituparna Sengupta. The group shared a heartwarming picture of their visit, with Richa commenting that her daughter was blessed to have such wonderful 'maasis'.
The police conducted a flag march in various areas of Vijayawada, under the supervision of ACPs Muralikrishna Reddy and P Bhaskar Rao, to instill confidence among people to vote without fear in the forthcoming general elections. About 200 civil and armed forces participated in the march, with the message that citizens should not be afraid to exercise their right to vote, which is their fundamental right. This march aims to reassure voters and ensure that they feel safe and secure while participating in the elections.
Actor Urmila Matondkar reminisces about her psychological thriller Kaun, which released 25 years ago and became a cult hit. She shares her experience of working with director Ram Gopal Varma and writer Anurag Kashyap, as well as co-stars Manoj Bajpayee and Sushant Singh. Despite not being a blockbuster, Urmila defends the film and its unique concept, which was ahead of its time.
The 2024 Lok Sabha election in Jhalawar-Baran constituency is set to witness a fierce battle between Congress' Urmila Jain Bhaya and BJP's Dushyant Singh, son of prominent leader Vasundhara Raje. Bhaya, wife of former Rajasthan minister Pramod Jain Bhaya, will represent Congress' attempt to break BJP's winning streak in the region. With Singh emerging victorious in the last two elections, it remains to be seen whether Bhaya can secure a victory for Congress in Jhalawar-Baran's eight Assembly segments.