Prime Minister Narendra Modi showed his support for the Hindi film industry by attending a special screening of the Vikrant Massey starrer 'The Sabarmati Report' along with several ministers and MPs. The film tackles sensitive topics such as the Godhra riots and corruption in the media, earning high praise from PM Modi and other viewers. This comes after PM Modi had previously commended the film's message and relevance in society.
The trailer for "The Sabarmati Report" has taken audiences by storm, showcasing a powerful and hard-hitting story about a devastating event in Indian history. The film, produced by Ektaa R Kapoor, promises to leave a lasting impact and raise awareness about the incident. Starring Vikrant Massey, Raashii Khanna, and Ridhi Dogra, the film captures the ideological debate between Hindi and English journalists and their role in shaping the events surrounding the tragedy. With a star-studded cast and a thought-provoking narrative, "The Sabarmati Report" is set to be a must-watch film when it releases in theaters on November 15, 2024.
Producer Ekta Kapoor, known for her bold and controversial choices in the entertainment industry, made some powerful statements at the trailer launch event for her upcoming web series The Sabarmati Report. The star-studded event, attended by actors Vikrant Massey, Raashii Khanna, Ridhi Dogra, and other cast and crew members, saw Kapoor express her pride in being a Hindu and her belief in equality among all religions. Stay updated on all the latest news, reviews, and updates from the world of Bollywood, television, and South Cinema through our website, social media, and YouTube channel.
The upcoming film The Sabarmati Report delves into the tragic incident that occurred on the Sabarmati Express in 2002, resulting in the death of 59 pilgrims and karsevaks. With a gripping motion poster released, the film promises to reveal the real events and consequences of that day, which have been kept hidden for so long. The teaser for the film will be released on 25th October 2024, giving audiences a sneak peek into the powerful and intense storytelling to come.
The upcoming film 'The Sabarmati Report' tells the heart-wrenching story of the 2002 Godhra train burning incident in Gujarat, which took the lives of 59 innocent people. The film, starring Vikrant Massey, Raashii Khanna, and Ridhi Dogra, is set to release on May 3, 2024. The first look video shows Vikrant as a journalist uncovering the truth behind the incident with original clips and a powerful message. Helmed by director Ranjan Chandel and produced by Balaji Motion Pictures, this promises to be a gripping and emotional film.