As Rajinikanth celebrated his 74th birthday, fans eagerly awaited the launch of Jailer 2's promo on this day. However, while the post-production work is still pending, director Lokesh Kanagaraj gave fans a surprise gift from his upcoming film Coolie. The popular song "Chikitu Vibe" was released, featuring Rajinikanth's energetic dance moves and the vocals of T Rajendar, along with news of a possible cameo by Aamir Khan. With speculations about his next film and a possible reunion with Mari Selvaraj, Rajinikanth's birthday celebration was a treat for his fans.
Rajinikanth fans, get ready! The much-awaited trailer for Vettaiyan, starring the iconic superstar and Amitabh Bachchan, will be released in four different languages on October 2nd, eight days before the film's theatrical release. The announcement was made with a new poster featuring Rajinikanth in his trademark style. Directed by TJ Gnanavel and written by B Kiruthika, Vettaiyan is an action drama that boasts an ensemble cast and is already garnering much attention and anticipation in the entertainment industry.
The entertainment industry was sent into a frenzy as the first look poster of "Thalaivar 171" was unveiled by Sun Pictures on social media. The poster features Superstar Rajinikanth in an edgy and gold-themed avatar, with gold-rimmed glasses and multiple gold-colored watches on his arms. Fans were also treated to a teaser announcing the title reveal on April 22nd and revealing that the film has music by Anirudh and stunts by Anbariv. Director Lokesh Kanagaraj has also confirmed that this film is not a part of his LCU and is an experimental action thriller. The poster and teaser have sparked speculation that the film might have a story revolving around gold, adding to the excitement surrounding this highly anticipated project.
Ahead of the release of Rajinikanth's upcoming movie Lal Salaam, a video featuring his grandson imitating his iconic Salaam gesture from one of his blockbuster films has gone viral. The event also made headlines for a statement made by Aishwarya, the director of the film and Rajinikanth's daughter, who clarified that her father is not a "sanghi" as people believe. The film, starring Vishnu Vishal and Vikranth, is slated to release on February 9 and has grabbed attention with its audio launch coinciding with Republic Day.