Daaku Maharaaj, the upcoming action-thriller featuring Ram Charan in the lead, has dropped its first trailer, leaving fans in awe of its high-octane action and suspense. In a candid interview, Ram Charan shares insights into his character and the challenges he faced while filming this game-changer of a movie. Get ready for a thrilling rollercoaster ride with Daaku Maharaaj.
As Rajinikanth, one of Indian cinema's most beloved and influential actors, turns 74, his loyal fan base celebrates by unveiling a new statue at the dedicated temple in his honor. The temple, overseen by devoted fan Karthik, has been a place for fans to pay tribute to the superstar for years, and this year's 3-foot tall, 300 kg statue inspired by Rajinikanth's character in Mappillai is the latest addition. Special prayers and rituals have been held to mark the occasion, and the temple is now eagerly waiting for an invitation from Rajinikanth himself to receive his blessings.