Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked in his Bandra residence during an attempted robbery, causing concern for his young children Taimur and Jeh. The actor underwent surgery and is now recovering. The incident has sparked an investigation and garnered support from fans and well-wishers.
The Kapoor family recently visited Prime Minister Narendra Modi to extend a formal invitation for him to attend the upcoming Raj Kapoor 100 Film Festival. The meeting turned into a delightful conversation and PM Modi couldn't help but ask about Taimur and Jeh's absence. In a heartwarming gesture, he also sent personalised autographs for the little Pataudis.
In an old interview, actress Kareena Kapoor Khan opens up about how her husband, actor Saif Ali Khan, balances time between his four kids from different marriages - Sara Ali Khan, Ibrahim Ali Khan, Taimur, and Jeh. During a candid conversation, Kapoor praises her husband's efforts in being there for each of his children and giving them individual attention. The actress also reflects on modern parenting and dismisses the notion that it should be "difficult". In the interview, she also mentions how Saif always informs her when he wants to spend alone time with Sara Ali Khan, emphasizing the importance of father-child bonding. On the work front, Saif is gearing up for the release of "Devara: Part 1" which has already sold tickets worth Rs 80 crore. On the other hand, Kareena Kapoor Khan is currently seen in "The Buckingham Murders", which was released on September 13.
Taimur Tariq, a Pakistani native who married Sreeja and now resides in Puthuppally, celebrated India's 78th Independence Day with a unique sense of joy and connection. It was the first time Taimur celebrated the occasion in India, having previously celebrated in Dubai with both Indian and Pakistan celebrating days. He and Sreeja, who have been married for 14 years, marked the special day together with family and friends.
Saif Ali Khan was spotted at the airport with a mysterious new tattoo on his left arm, covering up his previous tattoo of wife Kareena Kapoor's name. Fans were surprised and curious about the change, but it turns out it's just for a movie role. Wife Kareena has previously shared how their son Taimur loves to point at the tattoo and ask what it is.
Bollywood actor Kareena Kapoor Khan was announced as UNICEF's new National Ambassador in Delhi on Saturday. In an event, she emphasized the importance of teaching her sons, Taimur and Jeh, about respect and equality regardless of gender. Kareena also shared insights on her husband Saif Ali Khan's parenting style and how they both work together to promote healthy habits and values for their children.
Saba Pataudi, sister of actor Saif Ali Khan, shares heartwarming photos of their Easter celebration on Instagram. The pictures feature cute moments of the little ones in the Pataudi household, including Jehangir, Taimur, Sara Ali Khan and Ibrahim. Saba also urges her followers to respect and credit the photographer behind the images.