Bollywood actress Taapsee Pannu and her husband Mathias Boe, a badminton coach, were recently spotted in Paris, not only indulging in the city's famous attractions but also taking the time to support the Indian men's doubles badminton team. In a series of stunning photos, Pannu can be seen sporting a unique fusion of a traditional saree with a casual striped t-shirt, boots, and sunglasses as she plays a game of hockey with her husband. The versatile actress also teased her fans with hints of her upcoming projects, proving she's a true sports fan at heart and effortlessly combining fashion and sports in one perfect photo shoot.
Bollywood actress Taapsee Pannu shared a heartwarming photo of her husband and former badminton player Mathias Boe waving the Indian flag alongside a group of supporters at the Paris Olympics 2024. Boe, who is currently coaching the Indian badminton duo of Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chirag Shetty, made Pannu proud with this patriotic moment. The actress took to Instagram to express her happiness and surprise at the unexpected turn of events.
Bollywood actress Taapsee Pannu recently got married to long-time boyfriend Mathias Boe in a private ceremony in Udaipur. The couple had been dating for quite some time and finally decided to tie the knot. A viral video of Taapsee making her bridal entry has surfaced on social media, confirming the news. The intimate ceremony was attended by close friends and family, in line with the couple's desire for privacy.
Bollywood actress Taapsee Pannu is reportedly getting married to her long-time boyfriend, badminton coach Mathias Boe, in a private Sikh-Christian ceremony in Udaipur at the end of March. The couple has been together for 10 years but has kept their relationship out of the public eye. Taapsee recently spoke about her happiness in the relationship and the challenges of finding a genuine partner in the industry. The actress is currently gearing up for the release of her upcoming films, including Woh Ladki Hai Kahan and Phir Aayi Haseen Dillruba.