Hyderabad's middle-order collapse led to their defeat against Madhya Pradesh in the Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy. Despite Tilak Varma's 46-run innings, Hyderabad lost by seven runs as Madhya Pradesh kept their hopes alive for the knockouts. The game changed when Kamal Tripathi took three crucial wickets in 16 balls, including that of Tilak, to secure a vital win for Madhya Pradesh.
Rajasthan maintained its unbeaten record in the Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy as they cruised to a six-wicket victory over Madhya Pradesh. Abhijeet Tomar led the run-chase with a blazing 66 not out, while MP's batsmen struggled on a slow pitch earlier in the day. With this win, Rajasthan has all but secured a spot in the quarterfinals of the tournament.