Sushant Singh Rajput's sister, Shweta Singh Kirti, shared joyful memories and reflections on his birth anniversary, celebrating his life and legacy. From his humble beginnings as a dancer to his rise to fame in television and film, Sushant's passion for his craft and his profound interest in science and exploration continue to inspire fans. Despite his untimely passing, his presence and impact continue to be felt in the entertainment industry and beyond.
In the ongoing investigation into the death of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput, police have reportedly found five handwritten diaries in his house. The diaries are said to contain details about his personal life and work, and will be used to find any potential leads in the case. The police are also planning to summon all those who were in touch with Rajput in the final ten days before his death. On International Men's Day, let's remember Rajput's enlightened tweets from last year about men and their emotions.
In a recent interview, actor Ranvir Shorey opened up about his friendship with the late Sushant Singh Rajput and their shared love for physics. He also talked about feeling isolated and subjected to gossip in the competitive film industry. The duo had bonded over a lunar eclipse and Saturn lining up behind it during the shoot of their film Sonchiriya, creating fond memories that Shorey cherishes to this day.