Actress Adah Sharma, known for her role in The Kerala Story, opened up about rumors of buying Sushant Singh Rajput's apartment in Mumbai's Mont Blanc Apartments. The news had created buzz in August, as Sushant's tragic death in 2020 had left the apartment empty. Adah explains that she was overwhelmed by media attention at the time and is a private person. She also expresses her admiration for Sushant and stands against trolling him. The luxurious apartment is currently up for rent or sale, with a stunning sea view and terrace, advertised online since December 2022.
Bollywood star Adah Sharma expresses her joy after purchasing Sushant Singh Rajput's apartment, while actor Siddharth reveals details about his secret engagement with Aditi Rao Hydari. Preity Zinta also opens up about the recent IPL auction controversy involving Shashank Singh, and actress Nora Fatehi shares her thoughts on women being financially independent without relying on men.