Celebrated Tamil actor Suriya recently attended an event in Hyderabad for the promotion of his upcoming film Kanguva. Amidst the chaos, a video surfaced of him taking a selfie with a die-hard fan. At the press meet, Suriya also mirrored a scene from his past film to show his love for his fans.
Actor Karthi sparked backlash after his remarks on the Tirupati Laddu controversy. But after facing criticism from Pawan Kalyan, the Ponniyin Selvan star took to Twitter to apologize to the actor. However, an account claiming to be Karthi's brother Suriya also apologized and clarified that it was a parody account.
The first look poster for Vaa Vaathiyaare was released on Karthi's birthday, featuring him as a hardcore fan of the late movie icon MG Ramachandran. Directed by Nalan Kumarasamy, the upcoming film is expected to be a comedy reflecting the everyday absurdity of life. Meanwhile, Karthi's brother Suriya also unveiled the first look poster for his upcoming film Meiyazhagan, starring Karthi and Arvind Swamy in the lead roles.