The competition between the men and women's teams in Bigg Boss Tamil has fans and even contestants like Sunitha questioning the fairness of this season's tasks. With the men dominating in physical challenges, Sunitha pointed out the unequal playing field and suggested separate competitions for each gender or tasks that require more strategy and less strength. Her stance has gained support from other housemates and viewers alike, who are now wondering if Bigg Boss will change things up for more balanced competition.
Dr. Narreddy Sunitha, daughter of slain minister YS Vivekananda Reddy, has declared her determination to see that YSR Congress Party president and chief minister Jagan Mohan Reddy loses in his own constituency of Pulivendula in the upcoming elections. She also stated her goal of defeating Jagan's brother YS Avinash Reddy in the Lok Sabha elections. Sunitha expressed disappointment in Jagan's lack of support for her family and challenged him to a public debate. She also praised the decision of Jagan's sister, YS Sharmila, to run for parliament.