In a shocking incident at a private school in Raebareli, Uttar Pradesh, a class 10 student was brutally beaten by his teacher for not completing his homework. The student suffered multiple injuries, including a broken tooth, and was knocked unconscious. The teacher, identified as Mohammed Asif, has been arrested for the inhumane act. According to reports, the incident occurred when the student returned to school after summer vacation and informed the teacher that he couldn't complete the homework due to personal reasons. This incident once again sheds light on the issue of corporal punishment in schools and the need for stricter laws to protect students.
As the summer heat intensifies in India, states like Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, and Bihar have declared summer vacation in all government and private schools from June 1 to June 30, 2024. The decision comes as a precautionary measure after the Meteorological Department predicted a heatwave in certain regions. Similar announcements have been made by the Rajasthan and Gujarat Education Departments as well, with warnings for severe heat waves.
The Supreme Court of India has announced the vacation Benches that will preside over cases during their six-week summer break. The list, released on Thursday, reveals that hearings will take place from May 20th to July 7th. The decision comes amidst the prolonged lockdown in the country due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as the court aims to ensure timely justice for pending cases. Stay updated with Bar and Bench for further updates on the top court's vacation schedule.