Popular South Indian actor Allu Arjun has been taken into custody in Hyderabad after a woman died during a premiere show of his film Pushpa 2. However, he has since been granted interim bail by the Telangana High Court with questions raised about his involvement in the tragedy. The actor's brother and father were present during his arrest and he was seen making his wife smile and bidding her goodbye before being taken into custody.
Parker Finn's highly anticipated follow-up to "Smile" has left fans with more questions than answers, as the introduction of superstar Skye Riley sets the stage for a grand scale horror event in "Smile 3". With the curse of the demonic entity reaching beyond one-to-one transmission, the possibilities for the third installment of the franchise are endless. Director Parker Finn hints at the potential for a mass pandemic horror plot, leaving audiences eagerly anticipating the next chapter in the "Smile" saga.
The terrifying horror film, Smile 2, is back with Naomi Scott and Kyle Gallner reprising their roles from the first installment. The end credits may not provide any clues for fans about where the franchise is heading, but the final scene of the film leaves the door open for a potential third movie. Directed by Parker Finn, Smile 2 promises to be on a larger scale than its predecessors, with a global pop star and recurring detective character leading the way. Be prepared for chills and thrills as Smile 2 hits theaters nationwide this Friday.
Fans of Tollywood actor Allu Arjun were in for a treat when a recent video of the superstar visiting a café went viral on social media. The actor, who is currently busy with his upcoming film Pushpa 2: The Rule, was spotted dressed casually and greeting people at the café with a smile and a handshake. The video has left fans impressed with the star's down-to-earth nature and has sparked even more excitement for his upcoming release.