Nazibur Rahman, former principal secretary to the Prime Minister's Office and National Board of Revenue chairman, has been sent to jail after his three-day remand in connection with the 2022 killing of a BNP activist. Police have implicated Rahman in the case after arresting him in October 2025. The incident began when BNP leaders and activists gathered in the capital as part of their party program. On December 7, 2022, police and AL men entered the BNP office and opened fire, injuring the activist. A case has been filed against 256 people, including Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, for their involvement in the incident.
Shilpa Shetty and Raj Kundra's gold scheme, launched in 2014, promised investors a fixed amount of gold on the maturity date of the scheme. However, a bullion trader filed a complaint stating that he did not receive the promised gold and was instead sent a post-dated cheque for only the principal amount. The court has directed the investigation into the matter and the complainant's lawyer argues that the scheme was designed to guarantee and assure investors of timely delivery of gold.
Former IAS officer Dr P K Mishra has been re-appointed as the Principal Secretary to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, with his term starting from June 10, 2024. The Personnel Ministry order stated that his appointment will be co-terminus with PM Modi's term or until further orders, reflecting the trust and confidence the government has in Mishra's abilities. This development is significant for the country's political landscape as Mishra's role as Principal Secretary will greatly impact the functioning of the Prime Minister's Office.
A Spanish national was allegedly gangraped in Jharkhand's Dumka on Friday night. She is emotionally shattered but in stable physical condition, according to Dumka's Principal District Judge. The incident has caused outrage and an FIR has been registered against the waiter who served the substance, believed to be dry ice, at a restaurant in Gurgaon. The police have sent samples to FSL and three of the victims are still admitted in the hospital.