The Santosh Trophy, named after a renowned Indian Maharaja, is a prestigious football tournament that has been a cornerstone of Indian football since 1941. With its focus on state and union territory teams, it fosters a spirit of camaraderie and serves as a platform for young talents to catch the eye of scouts and potential selection for professional clubs and national teams. Despite the rise of professional leagues, the Santosh Trophy remains a treasured relic of India's diverse footballing culture and grassroots foundations.
In a thrilling match, Kerala emerged victorious against Assam with a score of 3-1 in the Santosh Trophy National Football Championship. Midfielder K Abdu Raheem and Sajeesh E scored in the 19th and 67th minute respectively, while captain Nijo Gilbert sealed the win in added time. Assam's Dipu Mirdha scored a consolation goal in the 77th minute, but it wasn't enough to overcome Kerala's strong performance.