Kerala Chief Minister, Pinarayi Vijayan, has announced that the government will ensure a smooth pilgrimage experience for devotees at Sabarimala Temple. This comes after it was revealed that the daily virtual queue bookings have been reduced from 80,000 to 70,000. The government will also hold further discussions to determine the fate of the omitted virtual booking slots before the upcoming pilgrimage season. Valid identification will be required for those without a virtual queue booking.
The Travancore Devaswom Board has selected S Arunkumar Namboothiri and Vasudevan Namboothiri as the new chief priests of Sabarimala and Malikappuram temples, respectively. The selection was made through a draw of lots from a panel of 24 shortlisted priests. Rishikesh Varma and M Vaishnavi of the Pandalam royal family oversaw the selection process in the presence of various officials. Don't miss out on the latest news on the go with Manorama Online App. © Copyright 2024 Onmanorama, All Rights Reserved.
The Kerala government has announced that it will allow spot booking for pilgrims visiting the Lord Ayyappa temple at Sabarimala, amid protests against the initial mandate for online registration. CM Pinarayi Vijayan stated that facilities for smooth darshan will be provided to those without prior online registration, while also emphasising the importance of the successful virtual queue system. The government's decision comes after discussions on improving the pilgrimage experience for devotees during the upcoming season.
After facing political backlash, the Kerala Government has decided to maintain the on-the-spot booking facility for Sabarimala Temple during the upcoming pilgrimage season. The decision was made following objections from Congress, BJP, and a ruling alliance party. The Chief Minister also announced that necessary measures have been taken to ensure a smooth pilgrimage for those without online registration, such as setting up ambulances and emergency medical centers.