After much anticipation, Mahesh Babu has finally begun shooting for SS Rajamouli's latest project, a Pan-World African Jungle Adventure. With Priyanka Chopra locked in as the female lead, fans are eager to see this superstar duo on screen. The film is set to release in 2027 after extensive shooting in India, the US, and African forests, making it a truly global production.
The highly anticipated film SSMB 29, with director SS Rajamouli and Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu collaborating, is set to launch on January 2, 2025. The event will be held at the Aluminium Factory in Hyderabad and fans can expect a press conference revealing the cast and storyline. With pre-production already underway and Mahesh Babu undergoing an impressive transformation, the film promises to be an epic and larger-than-life experience. Stay tuned for official announcements and updates on the star-studded cast, which includes international actors, and the unique cinematic universe promised by writer Vijayendra Prasad. Don't miss the documentary that will explore the making of RRR, Rajamouli's recent global success.