Rumors about the engagement between Indian cricketer Rinku Singh and Samajwadi Party MP Priya Saroj sparked on social media, with media outlets and journalists sharing the news and congratulating the couple. However, Priya's father, Tufani Saroj, clarified that while discussions were ongoing between the two families, no engagement had taken place. Priya Saroj, known for her political background, was also in Kerala at the time for work. Meanwhile, Rinku Singh is focused on his upcoming cricket series against England.
Rumours of a possible engagement between cricketer Rinku Singh and politician Priya Saroj have been circulating on social media, but her father has dismissed them as false. Priya is a prominent figure in politics, having become one of India's youngest MPs at the age of 25. Meanwhile, Rinku has also been making a name for himself in the sports world, playing for the Kolkata Knight Riders and the Indian national team.
Despite rumors circulating on social media, Priya Saroj's father, Tufani Saroj, has confirmed that no engagement has taken place between his daughter and Indian cricketer Rinku Singh. While the families are in talks, the news of Rinku and Priya's engagement is false. Rinku has gained popularity for his explosive batting in the Indian Premier League and has become a vital player for Kolkata Knight Riders. With a hefty fee of Rs 13 crore, he has been retained by KKR for the upcoming season.
Amidst the buzz of their engagement, Indian cricketer Rinku Singh and Samajwadi Party MP Priya Saroj are reportedly planning to get married. However, MP Priya Saroj's father has denied the news of their engagement. While there is no official reaction from the couple yet, Rinku is all set to make his return to the Indian team for the upcoming T20I series against England. On the political front, Priya Saroj hails from a political family with her father being a three-time MP and currently holding an MLA seat in Uttar Pradesh.
India's popular T20 cricketer and former Kolkata Knight Rider, Rinku Singh, announced his engagement to Samajwadi Party MP and daughter of a three-time MP, Priya Saroj. The couple, who have yet to formally announce their engagement, are expected to tie the knot soon. Meanwhile, the news of their engagement has sparked excitement among fans, politicians, and Bollywood celebrities alike.