Realme has entered the Indian mid-range smartphone market with a bang by launching the highly anticipated Realme 14x 5G. The device, priced starting under Rs. 15,000, features an IP69 rating for dust and water resistance, military-grade shock resistance, and 6000mAh battery with 45W Super-VOOC fast charging. Available in three eye-catching colors and two storage options, the phone also offers smooth performance and seamless 5G connectivity thanks to its MediaTek Dimensity 6300 chipset. Don't miss out on the limited time sale and extended warranty for the Realme 14x 5G.
Realme has launched its latest budget 5G smartphone in India, the Realme 14x. It comes with a 6.6-inch Full HD+ LCD display with a 120Hz refresh rate and is powered by a MediaTek Dimensity 6300 chipset. Additionally, it boasts a 50-megapixel camera and a 6000 mAh battery. Priced at Rs 14,999, it is now available for purchase on Flipkart. The company has also teased the launch of its next Realme 14 Pro 5G series.
Realme is making waves in the Indian smartphone market with the launch of its newest budget-friendly device, the Realme 14x 5G. With a strong focus on durability and ruggedness, the phone boasts the segment's first IP69 rating for dust and water resistance, as well as military-grade shock resistance. Additionally, the device stands out with its 6000mAh battery and 45W SuperVOOC fast charging. Available in three striking colors and two storage options, the Realme 14x 5G is set to dominate the mid-range segment in India.
Realme, the most popular smartphone brand among Indian youth, is set to launch the realme 14x 5G in India with groundbreaking features like IP69 Dust & Water Resistance and Military-Grade Shock Resistance, along with a massive battery and innovative features like SonicWave Water Ejection and Rainwater Smart Touch. This launch further cements Realme's commitment to offering cutting-edge technology and quality at accessible price points. With its Diamond Design and three vibrant colors, the realme 14x 5G promises to provide an unparalleled and durable user experience.
Realme's latest smartphone, the Realme 14x 5G, is set to launch on December 18 in India. Boasting a rare IP69 rating for dust and water protection, it offers a durable option for budget-conscious consumers. Featuring a sophisticated diamond cut design and three vibrant color options, the device also includes a 50MP AI main lens and a potential inclusion of the MediaTek Dimensity 6300 SoC for enhanced performance. With three storage configurations and a price expected to be below INR 15,000, the Realme 14x 5G is set to make its mark in the competitive smartphone market.