The much-awaited 'The Great Indian Kapil Show' finally premiered on Netflix, with Kapil Sharma entertaining the audience with the first episode featuring Ranbir Kapoor, Riddhima Kapoor and veteran actress Neetu Singh. The trio danced, shared anecdotes from the Kapoor family, with Ranbir even confessing to hitting his sister in their childhood. The show also highlighted the calm and respectful upbringing of Ranbir and Riddhima, credited to their late father Rishi Kapoor, with Neetu Singh expressing pride in their family values that will continue on to the next generation.
Neetu Kapoor, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, and Ranbir Kapoor make a guest appearance on the popular comedy show, causing chaos and revealing interesting secrets. Ranbir shares a funny anecdote about getting beaten by late actor Rishi Kapoor for a silly reason. He also confesses to having beaten his sister Riddhima in childhood, causing Neetu Kapoor to intervene. Fans are thrilled by the star-studded and entertaining episode.