Multiple users remind Mahindra with photos of first Indian astronauts who traveled in space and the iconic conversation of the first Indian in space, Wing Commander Rakesh Sharma, with then PM Indira Gandhi from space. Mahindra was taken back to the memories when he grew up seeing only American and Russian astronauts inspiring him. In his tweet, shared a photo of the four astronauts selected for Gaganyaan mission stating that he is hopeful that this will stoke a new generation of Indians and fulfill his wish of seeing fellow Indians in those adventurous space suits in Indian spacecrafts.
Amidst the announcement of the Gaganyaan crew, let's revisit a historic moment in India's space exploration history, as Indian Air Force pilot Rakesh Sharma poetically responded to then PM Indira Gandhi's question about India's appearance from space with "Saare Jahaan Se Achcha" (Better than the whole world), quoting renowned poet Iqbal.