In a historic move, led by the opposition parties, a no-confidence motion has been submitted against Vice-President and Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar, citing allegations of biased treatment of the treasury benches. The ongoing disruptions in Parliament and allegations against the ruling and opposition parties have led to this step being taken in the interest of parliamentary democracy. However, the Constitution does not specify any grounds for the removal of the Vice President and the process will require a 14-day notice period.
In a first in Indian parliamentary history, the Opposition parties have submitted a no-confidence motion against Vice-President and Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar for not allowing them to speak in the House. Though the motion is expected to be defeated, it highlights the strained relationship between the opposition and the chairman. This comes after the BJP accused the Congress of colluding with a billionaire investor to harm the country, leading to a washout of proceedings in the Upper House. Earlier, the INDIA group had also considered submitting a notice for removing the vice president from his office.