Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan and her family meet with Prime Minister Narendra Modi to celebrate the 100th birth anniversary of late actor Raj Kapoor. PM Modi's warmth and support was a memorable experience for the Kapoor family who also received a signed note for Kareena's sons. As the iconic actor's art and contribution to Indian cinema continues to inspire generations, Kareena expresses her gratitude.
The Kapoor family recently visited Prime Minister Narendra Modi to extend a formal invitation for him to attend the upcoming Raj Kapoor 100 Film Festival. The meeting turned into a delightful conversation and PM Modi couldn't help but ask about Taimur and Jeh's absence. In a heartwarming gesture, he also sent personalised autographs for the little Pataudis.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi met with the Kapoor family ahead of the 100-year centenary of renowned Indian filmmaker-actor Raj Kapoor, and praised his impact on global cinema as a ‘soft power’. He commended Raj Kapoor for establishing India’s strength in this domain even before the term ‘soft power’ existed. December 14, 2024 marks the centenary of Raj Kapoor, who was born in Peshawar and received numerous accolades for his films.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi meets with the Kapoor family, including actors Ranbir Kapoor, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, and Neetu Kapoor, and is invited to the Raj Kapoor Film Festival. During the interaction, Saif tells Modi that he is the first prime minister he has ever met, to which Modi responds that he was hoping to meet the third generation of Kapoor's family. After the meeting, Saif and Kareena share their feelings and discussions with the PM, including the suggestion for a documentary on Raj Kapoor's global influence.
The Kapoor family, Bollywood's first family, visited the honorable Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi Ji, to extend their invitation for the celebrations marking 100 years of the legendary Raj Kapoor. Along with a film festival starting from December 13, the family also invited PM Modi to honor Raj Kapoor's life and legacy. The Prime Minister warmly accepted the invitation and had a delightful interaction with the Kapoor family.
In a recent interview, actor Shraddha Kapoor spoke about the credit controversy surrounding the upcoming Stree 2. She addressed the issue by stating that she was grateful to be a part of the franchise and is looking forward to its release. This statement comes after the writer of the first film, Raj Nidimoru, claimed that she was not returning for the sequel.