The highly anticipated sequel to "Pushpa: The Rise" starring Allu Arjun has shattered records within its first week of release. According to reports, the film has grossed a staggering Rs 644.45 crore worldwide in just six days, with Tuesday alone bringing in Rs 51 crore. This has solidified its position as a blockbuster hit, surpassing the lifetime collections of its predecessor in just two days. With a gripping plot and stellar performances, "Pushpa 2" is not only breaking box office records but also setting up the path for the next installment in the series.
The highly anticipated film 'Pushpa 2' has taken the box office by storm, earning a staggering Rs 593.1 crore across all languages in just four days. The action-packed film starring Tollywood superstar Allu Arjun has surpassed previous records and established itself as one of the highest-grossing films in Indian cinema. With an impressive collection of Rs 162 crore on its opening weekend and another strong day on Monday, 'Pushpa 2' is poised to continue its upward trajectory and potentially challenge the all-time record held by 'Baahubali 2'. The film has received widespread critical acclaim and is set to have a long and successful run, solidifying its place as a record-breaking blockbuster in the entertainment industry.
Allu Arjun's highly-anticipated film 'Pushpa 2: The Rule' has shattered box office records, earning a remarkable Rs 265 crore nett in just two days. The film, directed by Sukumar, follows the story of a red sandalwood smuggler navigating dangerous challenges and features an impressive ensemble cast. The success of 'Pushpa 2' is even more impressive given the monumental success of its predecessor, 'Pushpa: The Rise,' which became the highest-grossing Indian film of 2021 and earned Allu Arjun his first National Award for Best Actor.
Telugu cinema's "Pushpa The Rule" starring Allu Arjun has shattered box office records on its first day, surpassing even Hindi films like "Jawan". Producer M S Raju praises Allu Arjun and director Sukumar for their hard work and vision, while also acknowledging the mixed responses to the film's hero-worship and underwhelming content. However, the film is expected to continue its phenomenal success and establish new collection records in the days to come, crossing the Rs 200 crore mark in Telugu states and making a profit of Rs 300 crore in the Hindi version.