A group of youths in Pune, India are facing backlash and potential legal consequences for filming a dangerous Instagram reel near Swami Narayan Temple. The video shows a young girl hanging precariously from the roof of a deserted building, while another viral video captures a woman riding a motorcycle without a helmet and with both legs on one side. The police have taken action against the individuals involved, citing rash or negligent acts and endangerment.
Aniket Randhir, a sales associate in Pune, decided to quit his job due to a toxic work environment and lack of respect from his boss. On his last day, he called a dhol troupe and danced in front of his manager, bidding farewell to the job in a bold and unique manner. The video shared by Instagram influencer Anish Bhagat has gone viral, inspiring others to stand up against toxic work cultures and follow their dreams. Randhir's next step is to become a fitness trainer with the support of Bhagat who also gave him a gift for his mother in Kolhapur.