The Bombay High Court has ordered the immediate release of the juvenile accused in the Pune Porsche crash case, where two people were killed last month. The court has deemed the remand orders issued by the Juvenile Justice Board as illegal and directed the teen's custody to be handed to his paternal aunt. The court emphasized the need to consider the age of the accused and the primary objective of rehabilitation, despite the public outcry and political agendas surrounding the case.
In an ongoing habeas corpus petition, the Bombay High Court questioned the Juvenile Justice Board's decision to remand the minor driver accused in the Pune Porsche accident case to an observation home. The court reserved judgement on the matter, noting that the remand nullified the effect of the minor's earlier bail. The fatal accident, which occurred in 2024, resurfaced after the minor was granted bail by the JJB on May 19, 2023, and subsequently remanded on May 22, 2024.
Shivani Agarwal, mother of a 17-year-old boy accused in a Porsche accident case in Pune, has been arrested for tampering with evidence. Earlier, the boy's blood sample was found to be replaced with that of a woman for an alcohol test at the Sassoon hospital, leading to speculation that it could be Shivani's. She has been apprehended for being present at the hospital during the blood sample swap and will be interrogated at 11:30 am. This arrest comes after doctors submitted their report on the incident to a probe panel formed by the Maharashtra medical education department.
In a shocking twist in the Pune Porsche crash case, the mother of the teenage accused has been arrested for allegedly swapping blood samples to prove her son's innocence. The incident, which occurred in Kalyani Nagar on May 19, resulted in the deaths of two techies. Commissioner of Police Amitesh Kumar stated that the minor's blood samples were replaced with those of his mother, leading to charges of evidence tampering. The accused teenager was allegedly driving drunk when his Porsche rammed into a two-wheeler, killing two engineers from Madhya Pradesh.
The case of a 17-year-old driving a Porsche that killed two people in Pune has taken a turn as it was discovered that the blood samples of the accused were manipulated by doctors. The teenager was initially released on bail, which caused public outrage and led to a revised order by the Juvenile Justice Board. The investigation found that two doctors and a staff member were bribed to swap the blood samples and falsify the results, possibly to exonerate the underage driver.
Amid allegations that NCP MLA Sunil Tingre intervened in the Pune Porsche accident case, a 2023 letter from him requesting Dr Ajay Taware be given additional charge of medical superintendent has surfaced. Tingre claims that he only recommended Taware based on his performance during the COVID-19 pandemic, but investigations continue into the financial transactions involved. Meanwhile, authorities have recovered ₹3 lakh from chief medical officer Dr Shrihari Halnor and staff member Atul Ghatkamble, who are in police custody for manipulating the blood samples.
Police have arrested a government doctor and his colleagues in connection with an attempted cover-up in the Porsche crash case where two IT professionals were killed. The doctor, Dr Ajay Taware, allegedly swapped the blood samples of the minor involved in the accident with those of another person who had no traces of alcohol. Police suspect financial gain as the motive and are investigating further to determine the source of the money used to bribe the doctors.
The recent Porsche accident case in Pune has sparked public outrage after a minor, allegedly intoxicated, was released within hours of the incident and subsequently granted bail. Amid accusations of corruption and miscarriage of justice, eight shocking aspects have emerged, including the minor being served alcohol at two bars before the accident and the refusal of the police to try him as an adult. After three days of public outcry, the minor's bail was revoked and he was sent to an observation home. The case has also raised questions about the legal drinking age in Maharashtra and the alleged tampering of evidence.
A tragic accident occurred in Pune on Sunday night when a 17-year-old boy driving a Porsche at high speed killed two people. The police have filed a case against the boy's father and the pub where the minor was served alcohol for violating sections of the Juvenile Justice Act. The accused was granted bail with conditions such as working with traffic police, writing an essay on accidents, undergoing treatment for alcohol addiction, and counseling sessions. The incident has sparked outrage and raised questions on the responsibility of parents and establishments in such cases.