After winning the Grand Prix Award, also known as the Palme d'Or, at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival, Indian director Payal Kapadia has become the first female director from the country to achieve this feat. Her debut film, "All We Imagine as Light", received rave reviews from international critics for its gripping storytelling in Malayalam and Hindi. This victory is a significant milestone in Kapadia's career, especially considering the struggles she faced as an FTII student, where she led a 139-day protest against the appointment of Gajendra Chauhan as the chairman. Despite facing disciplinary action, Kapadia continued to pursue her passion for filmmaking and has now etched her name in the history books.
Payal Kapadia, an Indian filmmaker, made history at the Cannes Film Festival when her movie "All We Imagine as Light" won the prestigious 'Le Grand Prix' award. This marked the first time in 30 years that an Indian film competed in the festival's main competition. The film's team, including director Payal Kapadia and actors Chhaya Kadam, Divya Prabha, and Kani Kusruti, received praise and congratulations from Bollywood stars like Javed Akhtar, Farhan Akhtar, and Kiara Advani. Payal expressed her gratitude and motivation to work even harder after receiving such recognition for her film.
Indian filmmaker Payal Kapadia has made history by winning the prestigious ‘Le Grand Prix’ award at the Cannes Film Festival with her film All We Imagine as Light. This marks the first time in 30 years that an Indian movie has competed in the festival’s main competition. The award has not only recognized Kapadia’s exceptional talent but also inspired a new generation of Indian filmmakers.
Indian filmmaker Payal Kapadia has made history at the Cannes Film Festival as the first Indian to win the Grand Prix for her film ‘All We Imagine As Light.’ The film, set in a small Indian village, explores the themes of love and dreams through poetic and visually stunning storytelling. This win highlights the importance of free expression in institutions like the Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) and marks a significant moment for Indian cinema on the global stage.
Indian cinema has once again proven its global impact with Payal Kapadia's film 'All We Imagine as Light' winning the Grand Prix at Cannes. The film tells the story of two Kerala nurses in contemporary Mumbai and stars Kani Kusruti, Divya Prabha, and Chhaya Kadam. Sound designer and Academy Award winner Resul Pookutty praised Kapadia's win on Facebook, emphasizing the important role of institutions like FTII in nurturing talented individuals in the film industry. He also highlighted the struggles faced by students at such institutions and the proud fact that many graduates find work in India.
Indian filmmaker Payal Kapadia created history at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival by becoming the first Indian film in three decades to compete in the main competition and winning the Grand Prix for her film, 'All We Imagine as Light'. The film, which follows the journey of two Kerala nurses in contemporary Mumbai, stars Kani Kusruti, Divya Prabha, and Chhaya Kadam and was praised by the jury led by Greta Gerwig. Kapadia's previous documentary, 'A Night of Knowing Nothing', had also won an award at Cannes in 2021 and her success is even more impressive considering her past struggles, including leading a 139-day protest against the appointment of an unqualified individual as FTII chairman.
The film industry in India is buzzing with excitement as two Indian films received top awards at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival. 'All We Imagine as Light' by female director Payal Kapadia made history by winning the 'Grand Prix' award, making it the first Indian film to compete in 30 years and the first film by an Indian female director in the main competition. This achievement has sparked discussions about potential recognition at the 'Oscar Awards' and the need to prioritize films over fashion at film festivals. Congratulations to the team of 'All We Imagine as Light' on their well-deserved win.
In a momentous win, Indian filmmaker Payal Kapadia takes home the second highest award, the Grand Prix, for her debut feature film All We Imagine As Light at the Cannes Film Festival. The film, which also marks the first Indian entry in 30 years for the Palme d'Or, received an eight-minute standing ovation and has been praised for its "absorbing story full of humanity" and sensuality reminiscent of Satyajit Ray's work. Kapadia's film follows the lives of two nurses from Kerala, highlighting the nuances and layers of everyday life in Mumbai.
At the 77th Cannes Film Festival, Indian film 'All We Imagine As Light' directed by Payal Kapadia received the prestigious Grand Prix award, while American film 'Anora' by Sean Baker won the Palme D'Or. The Hindi-Malayalam film depicts the struggles of two Indian nurses living in Mumbai and was produced by a collaboration between French and Indian production companies. Fans can stay updated on the latest news and updates from the festival through the Manorama Online App.
Payal Kapadia's film 'All We Imagine as Light' has made history by winning the Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival, becoming the first Indian film to compete for the award in 30 years. The film tells the story of two Malayali nurses in Mumbai and explores the theme of female friendship and solidarity. Kapadia, who previously won the best documentary award at Cannes, thanked her producers and crew while also addressing issues of women being pitted against each other in society. This victory is a remarkable turnaround for Kapadia, who faced disciplinary action in 2015 for protesting against the appointment of Gajendra Chauhan as the head of the Film and Television Institute of India.