The Bharatiya Janata Party has released its first list of candidates for the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections, including big names such as former MP Parvesh Sahib Singh Verma and MLA Kailash Gahlot. The list also features candidates from different backgrounds, such as former Congress MLA Rajkumar Chauhan and former Delhi University Students Union president Rekha Gupta. With this bold move, the BJP aims to secure a strong position in the upcoming elections.
The BJP has announced its candidate list for the upcoming Delhi elections, with Parvesh Verma set to contest against incumbent CM Arvind Kejriwal in the New Delhi seat. In response, Verma has openly challenged Kejriwal and called for accountability for his actions as CM. The BJP has also fielded other notable candidates, including Ramesh Bidhuri in Kalkaji, leading to speculation about the party's confidence in their own candidates.
Parvesh Verma, the BJP candidate for the New Delhi assembly seat, expressed his gratitude to the party leadership for giving him the opportunity. He confidently asserted that the BJP will form the next government in Delhi and promised to address issues such as tax mismanagement and unemployment. Verma also taunted his opponent, incumbent CM Arvind Kejriwal, and challenged him to not run away from the New Delhi seat. Meanwhile, Kejriwal responded to PM Modi's criticisms by highlighting AAP's achievements in education, healthcare, and housing and attacking the BJP's slow progress in these areas.
The BJP has released its first list of candidates for the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections, with 29 names announced. Former MP Parvesh Verma will be contesting against AAP supremo Arvind Kejriwal in the New Delhi seat, while Chief Minister Atishi's opponent will be former MP Ramesh Bidhuri in Kalkaji. Other key candidates include national office-bearers Dushyant Kumar Gautam and Ashish Sood. This announcement comes as the latest development in the highly anticipated elections, with more updates to come.
Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal has accused the BJP of planning to declare Parvesh Verma as its chief ministerial face for the upcoming Delhi Assembly Elections. This comes amid a heated political battle between AAP and BJP, with Kejriwal claiming that the BJP is upset with the successful schemes launched by his party and is resorting to distributing money to sway voters. The authenticity of these claims has been debated, with Kejriwal challenging Delhi MP Bansuri Swaraj to resign if these accusations are found to be false.