Former Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel has called for the release of CCTV footage showing the alleged physical altercation between Congress leader Rahul Gandhi and a BJP MP in the Parliament complex. Baghel also criticised Union Home Minister Amit Shah for his 'inflammatory' comments regarding Dalit icon B.R. Ambedkar. Rahul Gandhi and the Congress have refuted the accusations and retaliated with their own complaint. Baghel also expressed concerns over the law and order situation in Chhattisgarh under the BJP government.
The Assembly constituency of Ambedkar Nagar, located near Saket in South Delhi, is home to a majority of lower-middle-class and middle-class families. Residents express their disappointment and frustration towards the recent political bickering in the Parliament over B R Ambedkar's legacy and instead look to the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) for tangible solutions to their everyday issues. While the Congress and BJP continue to compete for the support of voters, the AAP has already gained the trust of many residents through their policies and actions. However, some residents remain skeptical and call out the timing of the AAP's recent efforts in the area.
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has been booked by the Delhi Police based on a complaint filed by BJP MP Hemang Joshi, alleging that he violated security guidelines and injured two BJP MPs during a scuffle at the Parliament on Thursday. In retaliation, Congress also alleged that BJP MPs pushed and injured party president Mallikarjun Kharge during the protest. The FIR states that Rahul Gandhi ignored security instructions and incited others to disrupt the protest, leading to the alleged injuries of the BJP MPs.
Tensions rose in Parliament as a scuffle broke out between members of the Congress and BJP parties, resulting in injuries to two BJP MPs. Both parties have filed complaints against each other, with the BJP accusing Congress leader Rahul Gandhi of pushing their MPs, and the Congress claiming that their leader, Mallikarjun Kharge, was physically manhandled by BJP MPs. Police have registered an FIR against Gandhi for sections including voluntarily causing grievous hurt, while an inquiry is being conducted into the Congress' complaint.
The Congress party has accused the BJP of trying to deflect attention from Home Minister Amit Shah's recent remarks about B.R. Ambedkar. Congress leaders Mallikarjun Kharge and Rahul Gandhi held a joint press conference demanding Shah's resignation and an apology for his comments. The BJP, however, slammed the Congress for their behavior during the scuffle in the Parliament complex and stated that their press conference only highlighted their arrogance.
A video has emerged on social media showcasing BJP MP Nishikant Dubey aggressively accusing Rahul Gandhi, the leader of Congress party, of hooliganism during the protests over the BR Ambedkar row. He can be seen questioning Gandhi's actions and even calling them out for "gundagardi". This happened after Gandhi approached another injured BJP MP, Pratap Chandra Sarangi, during the protests inside the Parliament premises. The video of this altercation exposes the ongoing tensions and political drama surrounding the issue.
The Union Home Minister, Amit Shah, has come under fire for his comments on BR Ambedkar during his speech in the Rajya Sabha. The Congress party has accused him of insulting the architect of the Indian Constitution, while the BJP has retaliated, claiming the Opposition party is resorting to cheap tactics. The Home Minister's remarks have sparked a heated political debate, with Congress leaders demanding an apology and a discussion on the issue in Parliament.
After Union Home Minister Amit Shah's remarks in Parliament on Tuesday in which he appeared to insult and belittle Dr. B R Ambedkar, the opposition has come together to demand his removal from the Cabinet. In response to the two-day debate celebrating the 75 years of the Indian Constitution, Shah had said, "had you chanted God's name these many times, you would have been blessed with heaven in seven births." This has sparked outrage among opposition parties who see it as a continued disrespect for Ambedkar and the Dalit community as a whole. The opposition is calling on Prime Minister Narendra Modi to take immediate action and remove Shah from his position, otherwise protests will be held across the country.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi slammed the Congress for denying a portrait of BR Ambedkar in the Parliament's Central Hall. Taking to Twitter, he listed the years of "sins" committed by the Congress against the Dalit leader. This comes after Amit Shah criticized the party for making it a trend to invoke Ambedkar's name, saying they would get a place in heaven if they took God's name as many times.
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced that properties worth Rs 22,280 crore have been restored to pay off the debts of wanted individuals such as Vijay Mallya, Mehul Choksi, and Nirav Modi. This includes Rs 1,052 crore from Modi and Rs 2,565 crore from Choksi. The Finance Minister's statement comes after questions were raised about the Enforcement Directorate's low conviction rate in cases under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act. Congress leader Randeep Surjewala has accused the ruling party of using agencies like the ED to target opposition leaders.