Bajaj Auto, the Pune-based motorcycle specialist, has introduced the new 35 Series of the popular Chetak electric scooter with three variants. With a starting price of Rs 1.27 lakh, the feature-loaded 3501 variant aims to compete with its counterparts like TVS iQube, Ola S1, and Ather Rizta in the Indian market. With the customer-friendly delivery schedule, Bajaj Auto is confident to retain its leadership position in the electric two-wheeler segment. This strategic move by the company not only caters to the needs of young riders but also showcases its commitment to providing cutting-edge technology with neo-classic style.
Ola Electric is poised to significantly increase its presence with the expansion of its sales and service network to 4000 stores on December 25th. This move will bring their affordable and top-notch electric vehicles within reach to Indians across major cities and towns. With the aim to provide accessibility to all, Ola Electric's founder Bhavish Aggarwal vows to have a store and service centre in every town, city, tehsil, and taluka. This expansion will also help address customer servicing issues and further promote the usage of EVs by highlighting the cost-saving benefits of up to Rs 4,000 per month.
Ola Electric has made history by achieving the impressive feat of selling 4 lakh units in a calendar year, beating its competitors and establishing itself as the leader in the electric 2-wheeler segment in India. With a market share of 36%, the company has successfully crossed the 7.5 lakh unit mark, leaving other prominent players such as TVS, Bajaj Auto, and Ather Energy behind. This accomplishment cements Ola Electric's position as a major player in the Indian business landscape.
In the world of business and innovation, multiple companies are making moves towards a more sustainable future by investing in electric vehicles. Indian car giant Mahindra recently launched two new EVs, the BE 6e and XEV 9e, with a combined investment of Rs 4.5k Cr. Skoda Auto plans to follow suit by introducing electric vehicles in India, according to CEO Zellmer. Not to be left behind, M&M announced plans to sell EVs through their existing network, while Skoda Auto partnered with Indian coffee planters for sustainable energy solutions. Notable partnerships include Switch Mobility and Vertelo joining forces to deploy 1,000 eCVs in India and Honda introducing ACTIVA e and QC1 electric scooters in the country. All of this while Ola Electric faces probes for their electric vehicle service and Coal India seeks bids for an e-auction platform.
Ola Electric, the electric vehicle arm of Ola, launched two new ranges of scooters - Gig series and S1 Z series - targeting both gig workers and urban commuters. Along with the scooters, Ola also announced the Ola PowerPod, an inverter that uses their portable batteries to power household appliances. The stock price of Ola Electric jumped by 8% on November 27, marking a 19% recovery from the 52-week low. Founder Bhavish Aggarwal said that these new products will make energy more efficient and provide flexibility in both mobility and household usage.
Indian-based electric mobility platform Ola Electric is making waves in the EV market with a series of recent milestones. In the past year, the company has launched a commercial e-scooter, resolved nearly all complaints through its consumer complaint portal, and seen a significant increase in vehicle registrations and sales outlets. However, it has also faced challenges, including job cuts and a show cause notice related to consumer protection. With the launch of the new Honda ACTIVA e scooter and a call to action for the industry to drive electric vehicle adoption, Ola Electric is further solidifying its position as a key player in the business realm.
Ola Electric has made a big splash in the electric vehicle market by launching a commercial e-scooter called 'Gig', priced at Rs 1.19 lakh. However, the company is facing scrutiny from India's consumer protection agency for alleged poor service and quality issues. These developments come amidst a push for more electric vehicles in the country, with a number of other EV companies also making headlines.
Ola Electric's stock price saw a significant boost on Wednesday after the company revealed its plans to launch two new electric scooter ranges priced at just Rs 39,000. CEO Bhavish Aggarwal also introduced a portable home inverter, the Ola PowerPod, which doubles as a battery pack for the scooters. These affordable and accessible options are set to cater to a broad range of customers, with reservations already open. However, this move comes amidst ongoing customer complaints and a recent restructuring effort within the company. With the launch of these new models, Ola Electric aims to revolutionize EV adoption in India and pave the way for a greener future.
Bengaluru-based Ola Electric has expanded its portfolio with the launch of four new electric scooters, including a budget-friendly option for gig workers. With prices ranging from Rs 39,999 to Rs 64,999, the new models offer different features and ranges to cater to different needs. Ola has also introduced a portable battery inverter for home use.
Ola Electric, one of the leading electric scooter manufacturers in India, has announced its entry into the commercial segment with the launch of its 'Gig' range of scooters. These affordable electric scooters, starting at Rs 39,999, specifically target gig workers who are looking for sustainable and convenient transportation options. The company has also launched a personal-use electric scooter, the S1 Z, priced at Rs 59,999, which is aimed at urban commuters. This move by Ola Electric marks their continued efforts to promote eco-friendly and accessible transportation solutions in the Indian market.