Malayalam superstar Nivin Pauly has been accused of sexually abusing a woman in Dubai, along with five other individuals including a producer. However, the 'Premam' actor has vehemently denied the allegations and is ready to take legal action to prove his innocence. This controversy has emerged after the release of the Hema Committee report implicating other prominent actors in similar cases. Nivin has expressed his determination to cooperate with the investigation and prove the allegations to be baseless.
The Malayalam film industry is once again under fire as popular actor Nivin Pauly faces allegations of sexual assault. The complaint, filed by a woman from Neriamangalam, echoes the growing number of accusations following the release of the Justice Hema Committee report on systemic abuse. As the industry faces increased scrutiny, we also look at the case of Malayalam actor Siddique, who stepped down as General Secretary of AMMA after similar allegations were made against him.
The popular South Indian actor has come forward to defend himself against accusations of sexual abuse leveled against him by a woman. He suspects a conspiracy behind the allegations and has vowed to clear his name. The police have already contacted Nivin a month and a half ago regarding a similar complaint, but he was advised to ignore it by his lawyer. The actor maintains that he has no association with the accuser and is willing to cooperate with any investigations to prove his innocence.
Actor Nivin Pauly, known for his roles in the Malayalam film industry, has been accused of sexually abusing a young aspiring actress. The Kerala Police has registered a non-bailable case against Pauly and five others, including a film producer. This incident adds to the ongoing investigations and allegations against several other actors in the industry. The National Commission for Women has also expressed concerns over the incomplete Hema Committee Report and has requested for its complete release.
The latest Malayalam film Varshangalkku Shesham, directed by Vineeth Sreenivasan, has earned Rs 2.47 crore on its opening day. Starring popular actors Dhyan Sreenivasan, Pranav Mohanlal, and Nivin Pauly, the film opened to mixed reviews but has received promising overall occupancy at the box office. This marks the second collaboration between Pranav and Vineeth after their hit movie Hridayam and has drawn attention from film enthusiasts. With cautionary measures in place, the team hopes for a successful run at the box office.