South Indian actress Trisha Krishnan took to social media to share the heartbreaking news of the passing of her beloved pet dog, Zorro. The emotional tweet revealed that Zorro passed away early Christmas morning, leaving Trisha and her family devastated. Trisha also announced that she will be taking some time off work to cope with the loss of her "son" and will be off the radar for a while. This news has left her fans and followers heartbroken as they remember Zorro as an inseparable part of Trisha's life.
After the tragic news of former drummer Bob Bryar's sudden death, My Chemical Romance has finally released a statement addressing their ex-bandmate's passing. The emo rock group is asking for fans to be patient and understanding as they process the devastating loss. Bryar, who was 44 years old, was last seen on November 4 and his cause of death remains unknown. The band has also recently shared their support for the rising star and new Linkin Park member, Emily Armstrong.
In commemoration of the 33rd World AIDS Day on December 1, the World Health Organization (WHO) has announced a special theme for 2024 - "Take the Rights Path: My Health, My Right!" This highlights the importance of human rights in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of ending AIDS by 2030. Despite significant progress, HIV remains incurable and highly contagious, making awareness and prevention crucial in the fight against the disease. The WHO stresses the need to tackle stigma and discrimination in access to treatment, and calls for a commitment to uphold the rights and dignity of all individuals, especially the most vulnerable.
Kollywood's much-anticipated film Kanguva, led by Suriya and directed by Siruthai Siva, received poor reviews and negative word-of-mouth. The producer expressed hope that the tables will turn, but in an unexpected twist, Sivakarthikeyan's Amaran has surpassed Kanguva in Book My Show ticket sales. Despite being released over two weeks ago, Amaran has managed to stay ahead, and with no major competition till December, it is likely to continue its success.
As a formerly homeless youth, Thanksgiving has never been a holiday that appealed to the author. After experiencing a divorce, they found themselves once again alone for the holiday. However, instead of feeling sad or lonely, the author has found solace in spending this day with their dogs and personal traditions, such as watching the Macy's parade and National Dog Show. This year, they are looking forward to enjoying Thanksgiving their way, without the pressure of other people's expectations.
With the second phase of voting concluding for Jharkhand Assembly elections, exit polls are split between predicting a win for BJP and INDIA bloc. While News24's Chanakya and Matrize foresee a BJP victory, Axis My India predicts a win for INDIA bloc. This phase is crucial for the electoral fate of Jharkhand Chief Minister and other prominent candidates. C-Voter has also predicted a win for BJP.
This heartfelt reflection on the writer's memories of spending weekends at his family's beloved restaurant serves as a touching tribute to the special bond he shared with his Uncle George, Aunt Rose, and grandfather Abe Zarzour. The writer recounts the warm, homey atmosphere of the restaurant and the fond memories of helping out with chores and exploring his uncle's electronic repair shop. This article is a nostalgic and heartwarming look back at a cherished family tradition.
At the annual developer conference, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the release of the new Quest 3S VR headset, priced at $300 with a free Batman video game. The company also introduced a new AI model, Llama 3.2, and AI improvements for its Ray-Ban smart glasses. Additionally, Zuckerberg demonstrated a fully functioning prototype of the company's first consumer-grade full holographic AR glasses, Orion, with advanced features such as hand and eye-tracking and a neural interface. Meta also announced a partnership with Be My Eyes, enabling visually impaired individuals to receive assistance through the smart glasses.
The Buffalo Bills dominated the Jacksonville Jaguars 47-10 on Monday night, thanks in part to a stellar performance by quarterback Josh Allen. However, the broadcast of the game caught a Bills fan's sign that caused a stir on social media. The sign read, "Josh, I just got married. But I’d leave my husband for you! P.S. He’s right here." Several NFL players expressed their shock and disbelief at the sign's message, questioning the fan's intentions for seeking viral attention.
(G)I-DLE, South Korea's hottest girl group, has finally made their much-awaited US debut under Republic Records with their third mini-album, "I trust". The album debuted at No.1 on iTunes in 39 markets, while their new single, "Oh my god" secured the top spot on the U.S. iTunes K-Pop Songs Chart. With a theme of self-confidence, the group took America by storm and has been dominating charts domestically and internationally. The girls, who first gained recognition through Mnet's Queendom, have already made history with their viral hit singles, making 2020 their biggest year yet.