In a groundbreaking move, Saudi Arabia has announced its first-ever participation in the Miss Universe competition with model Rumy Al-Qahtani slated to represent the Kingdom in 2024. This is a significant step for the conservative nation, which has been making strides in embracing cultural freedoms and modernization. With her one million Instagram followers, Al-Qahtani hopes to use her platform to showcase the vibrant and diverse society of Saudi Arabia on the global stage.
In a bold move, Saudi Arabia, known for its strict adherence to Islamic principles, has confirmed that a local model will be participating in the Miss Universe Beauty Pageant 2024. This decision has sparked controversy in the Islamic world, with many criticizing the country for going against its traditions. The model, Rumy Alqahtani, announced her participation on Instagram and is set to represent her country for the first time in the international beauty pageant. The post garnered attention as Alqahtani posed with the Saudi flag and a sash that read "Miss Universe Saudi Arabia", featuring the Islamic creed or shahada.
28-year-old content creator and Miss Saudi Arabia winner, Rumy Alqahtani, will be representing her country for the first time in the upcoming Miss Universe competition. This marks a significant moment for conservative Saudi Arabia, as Alqahtani joins the ranks of other Gulf region contestants. With her fluency in multiple languages and previous experience in global pageants, Alqahtani is poised to make a strong impression at the prestigious competition in Mexico in September.