Malayalam actor Gayathri Varsha has come forward to support Minu Muneer, who has accused several film industry stars of serious misconduct. Gayathri revealed that Minu had confided in her about inappropriate behaviour on the set of the film Da Thadiya. Minu, who has now filed a police complaint, has accused actors Mukesh, Jayasurya, Maniyanpilla Raju, and Idavela Babu of making sexually suggestive remarks and physically harassing her. Gayathri believes that there should be clear legal action against such behaviour, regardless of the accused's political affiliations.
Popular Malayalam actress Minu Muneer has filed a complaint against seven individuals, including well-known actors Mukesh, Jayasurya, Maniyanpilla Raju, and Edavela Babu. The complaint was submitted to the special investigation team, amid the ongoing probe into the Hema Committee report. The team will now record Minu's statement in the coming days, as the case is registered at the Crime Branch headquarters. This development comes after Minu recently spoke out about her experiences and the actors and others named in the complaint.
Actress Minu Muneer, who alleged sexual harassment by multiple actors in the Malayalam film industry, has filed a complaint against seven prominent figures including Jayasurya and Mukesh. This comes after the Kerala government formed a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to address the widespread MeToo allegations in the industry. Other actresses have also come forward to support Minu's claims and speak out about their own experiences of sexual assault and harassment.
In the wake of the #MeToo movement, actor Minu Muneer has come forward with allegations of sexual misconduct against four prominent Malayalam actors - Mukesh, Jayasurya, Maniyanpilla Raju, and Edavela Babu. She claims to have faced assaults and harassment from these actors, including a two-time CPI(M) legislator in the Kerala Assembly. Muneer has filed a complaint with the state police and is seeking justice and accountability for the trauma she experienced, which ultimately forced her to leave the Malayalam film industry and relocate to Chennai.
Actor Minu Muneer has joined the growing list of women in the Malayalam film industry speaking out against harassment and assault. In her Facebook post, Muneer accused four actors of misconduct, including two-time CPI(M) legislator Mukesh and popular actor Jayasurya. She plans to file a complaint with the state police, and recounted an incident from 2008 involving Jayasurya attempting to assault her at a hotel.
The Malayalam film industry has been shaken by actor Minu Muneer's Facebook post accusing respected actors Jayasurya, Mukesh, and Edavela Babu of seeking sexual favors in exchange for helping her career. Muneer revealed that the actors, who held executive positions at AMMA, demanded sexual favors from her in order for her to advance in the industry. Despite speaking out about the harassment, Muneer was met with no support. This story highlights the dark side of the entertainment world and the need for accountability against those who abuse their power.