The highly awaited tour of Honey Singh in India will finally start from February this year. In order to purchase tickets for his concerts, fans can go to Zomato's District app, which will start selling them at 2pm on Saturday, January 11. With the show spanning over four hours, only people above the age of 16 will be allowed to attend. While the prices of the tickets are not yet announced, the tour is surely going to create a lot of buzz.
Fans of Honey Singh were in for a treat as tickets for his highly anticipated Millionaire Tour went on sale. Zomato's District app saw a virtual queue of over 20,000 fans waiting to purchase tickets, which sold out in just 10 minutes. Due to high demand, prices for General Access tickets were raised, with some categories even temporarily selling out. The tour will make stops in various cities, including Mumbai, Delhi, and Pune, and will undoubtedly be a once-in-a-lifetime experience for Honey Singh fans.